Check out how healthy your lifestyle is!

To check how healthy your lifestyle really is, we made a survey for you! It takes just a few minutes to find out how you are actually doing. After answering all the questions, you can calculate and check your score under the questions! Good luck!

Healthy Eating Survey

1. How important is it to you to eat healthy?

  • Very important (4)
  • somewhat important (3)
  • not that important (2)
  • not at all important (1)

2. During the last 6 months, would you say you’re eating healthier than before?

  • Definitely healthier (4)
  • A little healthier (3)
  • Unchanged (2)
  • Less healthy (1)

3. How easy/difficult is it for you to get your 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables as recommended by the USDA?

  • Easy (4)
  • Fairly easy (3)
  • Somewhat difficult (2)
  • Very difficult (1)

4. During the last 30 days, how often did you get your 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables?

  • Just about every day (5)
  • Most of the time (4)
  • Sometimes (3)
  • Rarely (2)
  • Never (1)

5. Do you try to eat healthy when dining out?

  • Almost always (5)
  • Usually (4)
  • Sometimes (3)
  • Rarely (2)
  • Never (1)
Result survey:
18-22: well done! You are definitely very healthy!

12-14: You are trying to be healthy, but sometimes you have a cheatday. And that’s absolutely not a shame!

6-12: This score is a little bit low. You are definitely a busy person who thinks: ‘I don’t have time to live healthy.’ But that’s not true! You don’t need much time to live healthy. Try to eat a little bit more vegetables and fruit and you will see the change in your body and spirit within a few days!

0-6: We think that you need to read our blog a little more 😉
Afbeeldingsresultaat voor healthy life

Keep up the good motivation!

Ever had a hard time during sport? Do not worry, you are not alone! Just try to remember that ‘THE WINNERS NEVER QUIT AND THE QUITTERS NEVER WIN!’ ‘WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE STOPPING, THINK ABOUT WHY YOU STARTED.’ We all practice sports to achieve our goals, so keep in mind that ‘ A DREAM DOESN’T BECOME REALITY THROUGH MAGIC, IT TAKES SWEAT, DETERMINATION AND HARD WORK.’ I can only recommend you to ‘DON’T RUN AWAY FROM CHALLENGES? BUT RUN OVER THEM!’

We hope we could inspire you to keep up the good work and chase your goals!

Our most favourite and healtiest recipe.

hello there!

We would like to show you a lovely recipe. It is an omelette pancake
with smoked salmon on top. If you like a classic cream cheese salmon bagel, this is a must try! It tastes the same, but it doesn’t have that many carbohydrates.

Omelette Pancake with Smoked Salmon


This are all the ingredients you need!

  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoon water
  • 1/2 tablespoons oil
  • 4 tablespoons of cream cheese (50 g)
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 5 slices smoked salmon(50 g)
  • 1 tablespoon chopped scallions
  • 1/2 tablespoon sesame seeds
  • 2 tablespoons sprouts


This is how you make it!

  1. Beat up eggs, water and, salt.
  2. Add oil to a non-stick frying pan, fry the omelette for about 2-3 minutes on both sides.
  3. Cut the avocado into slices.
  4. Spread out the cream cheese on the omelette, top it with avocado, salmon, scallions, sesame seeds, sprouts and pepper.

We putted our inspiration from ‘Lifesum’! We really hope you will enjoy your healthy meal!


Hello healthy food lovers!

Welcome to our blog. We started this blog because we want to make you realize that it’s not so hard to life healthy. You absolutely don’t have to regime every day to have a strong and healthy body and to feel good!

We started this blog because we want to make you realize that it’s not so hard to life healthy. You absolutely don’t have to regime every day to have a strong and healthy body and to feel good!

In this blog we will tell you how to do it in an easy way, so everybody can do it! We hope you will enjoy it and you can use this blog as a way to motivate yourself.